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Support & Updates

6 articles

If there are any problems with your product, what should I do?

We’re trying our best so that you won’t face any kind of difficulty with our product however if you still face any kind of problem you can send us a message over live chat or email us (email is present at bottom of the page). We will reach you ASAP.

When can I connect to your support team?

Our support team is active 24/7. If you have any queries connect to us at any time.

How Often the product is updated?

Our products are updated depending on many factors. our Experts are trying their best to update the content according to the latest trend.

How to receive Updates?

You can log in to your account and get your updated product if your purchase is valid.

Getting an older version after updating. What to do now?

Please clear the browser's cache if you have the older version. After that, you can get access to the updated version.

Do you provide free updates?

We offer complimentary updates for 3 months starting from the purchase date. Additionally, you have the option to extend the product for an additional 3 months with a 25% discount.